carlissa@theenergy.coop, ext. 210
Carlissa joined The Energy Co-op in September 2024 as the Programs Assistant, and assists with program management, data analysis, and administrative efforts for the organization’s energy programs. Prior to joining The Energy Co-op, Carlissa worked in product development for the consumer goods manufacturing industry, helping to design and develop a wide range of products. Carlissa joined The Energy Co-op to focus on environmental justice, given her academic background in the intersection of social impact, data and sustainability. She is excited to take on a challenging technical role and support The Energy Co-op’s cooperative business model.
Carlissa completed her Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and Public Policy Studies at Vanderbilt University, and received her Master of Arts in Design Engineering from Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design. In her spare time, Carlissa enjoys digital illustration, woodworking, roller skating, and playing tennis.
Carlissa uses she/her pronouns.